
Impressions for August 23, 2009

Hello All,

Feel free to tell us about your impressions of joining in the global meditation or playful activities you engaged in, participation, pics, etc using the 'contributions' link below.



  1. Hi
    For me there was, almost immediately, the bringing out in the open and the clearing of an old issue with my family, who were trying to pressure me into habits I have left behind a long time ago. Very soon after that another family member was able to clear an unrelated issue she had with her son and ex-husband. After that there were tears of laughter at hearing some of the jokes and stories being shared. I'm grateful for getting some stuff out of the way and had a great Sunday :-)

  2. Wonderful tapping into a collective consciousness. It makes the transformative experience so much more powerful for everyone. Thanks for inviting me and my group along to play. Love and Light, Nicole
