
Six-Pointed Star

The L0veVibe Global Meditation of Sunday September 27, 2009 will focus on the symbol of the Six-Pointed Star. We invite you to integrate this idea into your regular meditation practice, or even to devote your session to it. Contemplate it, feel it, paint it, sing it, experience it and -most of all- Love it.

Please remember the purpose is connection, so if you do not resonate with a symbol presented here, then feel free to choose your own. Why we are choosing this symbol is explained in the post Inspiration.

The Six-Pointed Star is closely connected to the Hexagon, the regular 6-edged polygon. The 6-star is "concave" (sharp) while the 6-edge is "convex" (dull). The sharp and dull forms, concave and convex, are sometimes combined in order to represent the concept of Duality and Integration.

This six-fold symmetry is one of the basic building blocks of Sacred Geometry. What sets 6 apart from 5 and 7? If we draw a central circle, then we can fit 6 circles evenly on its circumference. This can be done with 5 or 7 circles as well, but only for the case with 6 circles will the circles fitted on the circumference be of the same size as the central circle.

The 6-edge covers the two stereoscopic perspectives, allowing the artistic expressions suggesting a 3D cube, while at the same time representing Duality and Integration.

The 6-star covers the two opposing triangles of the Merkaba, again suggesting Duality and Integration.

The 6-edge and the 6-star together allow for the artistic suggestion of a 3D octahedron, a 4D hexadecachoron or a 5D hexateron, suggesting Integration and Oneness.

The hexagon and the six-pointed star are found in many Naturally formed structures: beehives, flowers, snowflakes, single-celled life, polar clouds on Saturn, crystals and their reflections, etc.

The six-fold symmetry can tile the plane without leaving any spots uncovered (tesselation). This can be looked at from two directions (Duality): bottom-up or top-down. Starting from the hexagonal unit we can paste identical units onto its sides and continue until we cover the plane (Integration). Alternatively we can start from an existing infinite plane and wonder what kind of internal symmetry we can assign to the infinite plane so that perfect periodicity is attained (Separation and Reflection). The two directions together, bottom-up and top-down, can be linked to the idea of the Merkaba.

Read more about the Seed of Life and the Merkaba in this book from Drunvalo Melchizedek : The Flower of Life, volume 1 and volume 2.



The L0veVibe Global Meditation of Sunday September 20, 2009 will focus on the symbol of the Merkaba or Merkabah. We invite you to integrate this idea into your regular meditation practice, or even to devote your session to it. Contemplate it, feel it, paint it, sing it, experience it and -most of all- Love it.

Please remember the purpose is connection, so if you do not resonate with a symbol presented here, then feel free to choose your own. Why we are choosing this symbol is explained in the post Inspiration.

The Merkaba is usually depicted in 2D as two overlapping triangles, one pointing up and one pointing down. In 3D we can imagine two tetrahedra in the same composition. In addition, imagine one tetrahedron spinning clockwise and the other spinning counterclockwise, producing a counter-rotating field of light and energy.

The Merkaba is a structure of spinning light similar to the chakra system, and both are part of the Lightbody. The Merkaba functions as an interdimensional gateway for higher consciousness down into material incarnation. It acts as the stabilizing foundation of the bridge that goes from the Lightbody to the physical body. Imagine the base chakra (grounding) to be located in the center of the Merkaba triangles.

With time (growth), the Merkaba allows for the raising of the vibration of the physical body. This ultimately culminates in Ascension, Integration and Unification, which is accessible for every"body" who focuses on Love and Unison. The etymological root for the word Merkabah means "chariot" and it is indeed the natural vehicle "to ride" up the dimensional ladder towards the One place of Light and Love.

Thus one spinning triangle represents the constant flow of energy downwards (towards denser manifestation) and the other spinning triangle represents the constant flow of energy upwards (towards lighter manifestation). Together they form the Cycle of Life. In the Bible this was depicted by the Seraphim "burning" angels appearing like flashes of fire continuously ascending and descending.

The Sanskrit word Vimāna ( विमान ) combines the following meanings: traversing, aircraft, self-driven flying throne or palace, (secret part of) the temple, and balance. The "chariots of the gods" occur thus not only in the Bible but also in Sanskrit epics.

Read more about the MerKaBa and it's light activation through meditation in this book from Drunvalo Melchizedek : The Flower of Life, volume 1 and volume 2.


Divine Mother

The L0veVibe Global Meditation of Sunday September 13, 2009 will focus on the symbol of the Divine Mother. We invite you to integrate this idea into your regular meditation practice, or even to devote your session to it. Contemplate it, feel it, paint it, sing it, experience it and -most of all- Love it.

Please remember the purpose is connection, so if you do not resonate with a symbol presented here, then feel free to choose your own. Why we are choosing this symbol is explained in the post Inspiration.

The Divine Mother represents natural nurturing, caring and carrying, training and teaching, assisted growth and development, with unending patience and understanding, and with absolutely unconditional Love.

The natural bond between Mother and Child is so strong that it is sometimes difficult for the mother to eventually let the child find its own way, in its own life, in its own way. This transition period is a challenge for both child and parents and sometimes the cause of conflict and enduring separation and trauma. These can be healed with Love.

"If you Love them, set them free." A child will be surprisingly willing to visit its parents as long as it has the freedom to choose if and when the connection manifests.

If you have an issue with your Mother, or if you are a Mother and you have an issue with your child, we invite you to use this meditation to open the door a little bit more between the two of you.

There is the situation as it is now, and there is the moment of Reconciliation where your Hearts will recognize each other once again. Know that you can take a small step in the direction of reconciliation.

Make a deliberate step of a size that you are comfortable with. Then aknowledge for yourself that you have made that step. Keep looking forward, and when you are ready make another step always going forward in the direction of Togetherness.

The other party will feel your honest intent and dedication and will develop Trust themselves to start stepping towards you at the same time. Stay free of expectations and be patient. Feel the progress you are making with each step and find joy in just that. You can Be Confident that all else will follow. If there is a small set-back along the way, then there is no need to abandon the entire journey you are making back to your Hearts.

If you are perfectly okay with your mom but you have an issue like this with your Father, then you can also use this meditation for that, of course. You can even do this exercise if your Mother or Father has passed away. They will still feel your powerful energy of Reconciliation. Parents that have passed away often stay involved with our lives as guardian angels. Think about this: Would you connect with your child -if you could do so- after your own transition? You probably would. Just know that the connection goes first of all through the Heart.

The idea of the Divine Mother is found in all cultures on this planet, as well as in the very planet herself, Mother Earth, also called Gaia or "sentience Earth".

Heal and Celebrate the Love to and from your Mother and Father. Do the same with Mother Earth and Father Sun. Share in their Glory by spending time in Nature and in the Sun. Enjoy the natural foods Our Mother has prepared for you in the Love and Light of Our Father. Enjoy fresh fruits and vegetables, and nutritious gifts such as mushrooms, nuts and seaweed. When saying Grace, include Mother Earth and Father Sun in your appreciation.

SHIFT - Message from Nicole Cody

Hello Everyone,

I can feel how much each of you is shifting, but I am also seeing how much some of you are getting bogged down in old fears and old stuckness (- and some of this is generations old, not just from this lifetime). We are working furiously behind the scenes here to move you into positive change, and I've realised I have something additional to offer you, if you'd like to be involved.

I belong to an Elders Group (of which I am the youngest by about 20 years!) We have a number of cultures represented, from a number of nations and countries. I was asked to join after an elder in the USA heard a very old taped trance channeling I did in my lounge one night for a group of friends, where I had brought through a number of rituals and meditations and she recognised them as from her own people. She tracked me down via the internet.
I still have no idea how she ended up with the tape. I then asked if I might invite some Elders I know from Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific. It is a small, closed group, and you and one other mentoring course are the only people I have shared the knowledge of the group with apart from some of our family and spouses. There are twenty two of us in all, and we connect regularly by teleconference.

I was also 'claimed' by a tribe when I lived in the Kimberly in WA, and I've been initiated into both mens and womens business. So it's a real honour for me to have been chosen to work with this group.

We are doing a private shaman meditation vigil on Friday 18 September through Sunday 20 September, with the intent of releasing old fears, old patterns of thought and negative behaviour for the world, that keep people trapped in their own personal groundhog day. We will have a number of powerful people with us, including some aboriginal elders, a native american elder, some pacific elders, and a tibetan lama and nun.

I realised it could also be a powerful time for release for members of this group. It is a very special day, on Friday night there will be a new moon, and a polar shift, cusping into Saturday morning, and new planetary lineup on Sunday, so its a great time for release. So what I am offering is this. I'll also include you personally in our ceremony if you feel that it would be appropriate for you. I will still be doing my usual meditations for this group. So this is just something extra above what we are doing in the group.

What I would like you to do is two things:

1. Contact me (on Facebook, via www.nicolecody.com, or via my private email) if you would like us to work specifically with you, and let me know the fears you wish to be released. You MUST name them, although you do not need to go into a lot of detail for me. I will then work with them on your behalf during our ceremony and meditation. I will hold your fears on paper, and they will represent you. I will also choose a stone for each of you, to hold your place in the circle, to hold the energy and healing, (If you like, I can choose a special stone and post you the stone when the ceremony is complete if you are happy to pay costs). It takes a full month, and involves many things including a complex crystal grid and the use of the synchronicity of the Mayan Calender.

2. Write these fears down and expand upon them for yourself, and ask for why you have experienced them and what learning you can keep as you release the fear. Just ask. Asking is enough. That's all you need to do. As the fear is released through our work on the weekend, you will just find a subtle easing into a new way of being, a new parameter of knowledge, a new stability and inner peace. A new opening of energy. More flow. There is always a learning or positive from each fear we hold. And it's only the learning we need. This work must be done by you before 10pm Brisbane time on Friday night 18 September. Keep this information with you but once you have written it do not read it again. And do not share the information with anyone else. Burn it after 8am on Saturday. If you do wish to have a part in this, I also ask that you refrain from drinking alcohol for all of Friday through to Sunday. It will make the release process more simple for you, and you'll feel less disoriented! Instead, drink lots of water, eat simply and well, chose positive thoughts and spend some time in meditation or nature yourself on Saturday afternoon/early evening, and again on Sunday morning.

Let me know if you want to take part. It's entirely up to you.

Love and Light,



Sacred Heart

The L0veVibe Global Meditation of Sunday September 6, 2009 will focus on the symbol of the Sacred Heart. We invite you to integrate this symbol into your regular meditation practice, or even to devote your session to it. Contemplate it, feel it, paint it, sing about it, make it and give it.

Please remember the purpose is connection, so if you do not resonate with a symbol presented here, then feel free to choose your own. Why we are choosing this symbol is explained in the post Inspiration.

The Sacred Heart refers to the physical manifestation of universal core truths known as Compassion and Love.

The human Heart is the center of emotion and morality for humankind. A fully functional Heart, aflame with Acceptance and Understanding, radiates Love to All Creation. These are vital functions of spiritual life in the Lightbody (just as the heart is a vital organ of the body) needed for transformation and evolution.

When two or more open Hearts meet through the portal of Relationship, the reciprocation of Unconditional Love is accelerated and magnified exponentially, crossing any distance in space or time. This form of emotional telepathy is sometimes referred to as "telempathy".

Before this can happen, we need to connect first with our Own Heart. It is the mind's job to process sensory input and thoughts, but it is the Heart that Knows from Within, without external perception, and that guarantees wellness by the inflow, outflow and savoring of Emotion, i.e. Love Energy in Motion.

Reconnect with your Heart. Love and forgive yourself first, to be able to Love and forgive another. Release and resolve your issues, cleanse your Heart so that other people are tempted to spend some time Inside.

To provide and prosper by the mere act of carrying and spreading Love, is pure bliss and lies at the Heart of Creation.

The Heart of the matter is Love.